A Cool Trick To Teach Your Cats- How to High Five!

By | November 16, 2015

Unlike dogs, cats are considered to be moody and non-learning type of pet. There is always a mention of canines where there is a talk of execution of cool tricks like shaking hands with humans, switching on/off the lights, etc. However, this is a misconception that the same tricks cannot be taught to felines. Although these fur balls have their own rules, they will surely learn whatever you want them to.


So, do you want your feline to give you a high five whenever you are excited and there is no one to share it, except for your cat? Do you want to flaunt your cat’s cool skills in front of dog boasters and feel triumphant? If yes, follow the following steps to teach your kitty this cool trick of high five. You will need a clicker and lots of treats!

  • Choose a time when you kitty is ready to interact. Yes, they have the tendency to ignore! Sit with a handful of the pet’s favorite treats. Make sure there is no other distraction that could divide your cat’s attention.
  • Now, make your kitty sit. Use the clicker to reinforce the “sit” cue. Keep a treat on her head until she lands the butt on the ground. As she does this, click the clicker and treat her for following the “sit” cue.
  • Hold your hand slightly in front of her eyes. Do not forget to keep a treat in the hand. When she lifts her paw for the treat, use the “high-five” cue and shake your hand. Click and treat.
  • Lift, shake, click, treat, repeat! Repeat this religiously until you don’t need to try hard for executing this.
  • Try without the clicker and then cut the treats too. Conduct mini sessions regularly to not let the trick slip out of your feline’s mind. Make sure you do not over do. End on a high note and not when your kitty stops reacting out of boredom!

Doesn’t it sound easy? Try this trick as soon as possible and enjoy the games with her that you don’t with your human friends. A high-five is all you need to show your excitement!