4 Games That Cats Would Love To Play During Road Trips

By | January 3, 2017

Games for Cats during Road Trips

This extended holiday season is your perfect chance to take your kitty on a long road trip. Although these road trips can be a total blast they can also be pretty long. Hence, you would need to look for some entertainment  to pass your time. It has mostly been found that games are the best ways to pass your time during road trips. It not only keeps everyone engaged, but also makes the ride enjoyable. Just imagine if you had two kitties and they were to go on a road trip together the kind of games that they would play.

Let us look at some of these games that cats would love to play during road trips:

Games That Cats Would Play on Road Trips

Who Can Stay Quietest For Longest?

This is a great game that we used to play when we were kids. We used to chat a lot which used to create an obligatory infighting between us. This can be very irritating for the person watching us. Then they used to play this game “Who can stay quietest for longest”. This way they used to get peace and quietness. This can be even more challenging for cats. The reason for that is cats start to sing as soon as the engine starts and stop only when the destination is arrived. As a driver of a car riding kitties this is the best possible game to play.

Pranks On The Sleeper

Cats Pranks On The Sleeper

Cats have the habit of falling asleep whenever possible. This is even more of a probability during road trips. At sleepovers, you can ask one of the kitties to play jokes on the first one who crashes. Then she would play some tricks like flipping the sleeper’s ears inside-out or dipping her paw in the water.

Car Model Game

Car Model Game for Cats

This one is all about counting the number of models of cars found on the highway. Cats would certainly love to play the game with the car model’s name. But there would be a twist. They would look for cars having animals for the car model’s name. They would get double points if the animal is a cat or a dog. This will not only keep the kitty busy, but also avoid being a prank victim.

Road Trip Bingo

Road Trip Bingo for cats

Road trip bingo has been one of the favorite games for kids during road trips. You can even create your own style of bingo cards online or create one on your own. The squares include road signs, kinds of vehicles, truck stops and farm animals. This game is a great way to pass time during a road trip. It would be a great fun to see your kitty creating her own bingo cards. They may include their favorite “I Spy” objects that they would see on the side of the road. It would include different types of rodents, birds, discarded shoes, piles of sands and plants.

While going for a road trip with your furry pal ensure that you take along with you essential pet care supplies and first aid kit so that your pet remains safe and healthy. So, which road trip game would your kitty play?