Horse Care 101: How To Take Care Of Your Horse

By | July 19, 2019

Horse Care 101: Horses make landscape and life look beautiful. If you are one of the immense equine lovers and planning to bring home a horse, you should know that it is a great responsibility to have a horse as a pet. As a pet parent, it is vital for you to be aware of the basics in order to care for your horse. It is said that give a horse what he needs and he will give you his heart in return. So, before you bring in an equine companion, you need to learn the basics of good horse care. For pet parents, a horse is not just livestock or a pet but a family. Therefore, you would want to give him the best.

This beginner’s guide on “Horse Care 101” provides you with the information that will be helpful to get started with your horse care basics.

Shelter Your Horse:

The most attractive thing about horses is that they aren’t delicate darlings but the tough fighters. Horses are hard species as they possess an ability to cope with both cold and heat by regulating their own body temperature. But that doesn’t mean we can keep them in any conditions without providing a shelter because most horses spend some of their time in their stable.

Every horse needs protection from changing the weather. Therefore, providing a safe and sturdy shelter will protect your pony from winter, summer, rain or snow. Your horse’s accommodation will have a great impact on its overall well-being. So, a horse’s stable should be large enough for them to be comfortable without getting stuck.

Feed Your Horse:

Horses can constantly take in food throughout the day and that’s why they are known as trickle feeders. But what you feed your horse and the amount you give it will depend on the type of horse you have. Other factors that matter when feeding your horse are the quantity of food you give to your horse, the amount of exercise and work it gets on a regular basis and what its weight currently is. Good horse care includes the very best fodder and other feeds for your horse such as hay when the grass is not available. Providing hay is a great way to make sure that your horse is making his forage requirements. When you are learning to take care of your horse, it is necessary to create the right balance through feeding, in order to ensure that your horse is always getting what he needs.

Provide The Best Environment For Your Horse:

The health and mood of the horse are the two key concerns of the equine parents. Therefore, it is important to keep them in a hygienic, stimulating, relaxing and horse-friendly environment. Keeping your equine companion in a good environment ensures that they remain free from diseases and enjoy an active lifestyle. To start with providing a healthy environment for your horse, you must take care to muck out the stables on a daily basis and create a free living space for them. Furthermore, make sure to groom and train your horse regularly as it helps to keep them stimulated and enhances their everyday life experience.

Have Essentials of Horse Care:

Maintaining a regular wellness schedule of your equine companion is important. Training your horse can be fun but it can also end up affecting their joints sometimes. Moreover, the parasites in the environment are ever ready to infect your horse. Worming horse is a thing you should do regularly and use the best wormers from different varieties available in the market. Eqvalan Duo for horses is a powerful wormer that prevents different worm infestations and also controls bots in horses. Strongid P Horse Paste is a dewormer paste that assists in controlling and treating pinworms, roundworms, tapeworms and redworms in horses and ponies.

For an equine parent, the feeling that comes from spending time with their horse is priceless. One of the most rewarding things about being an equine parent is that you never stop learning from your horse. However, these guidelines (Horse Care 101) will help you to take care of your horse with all your love and affection.

Horses do not know how much you care until they know how much you care.