Every pet owner should always be well aware of what to do and what not to do in case of pet emergency, or if a pet is hurt minutely. This is just a pointer blog with various major tips for you to follow when a situation arises where you need to provide help to your furry friend.
Always be on a watch for your pet’s surroundings. By keeping track on this, you can avoid accidents and reduce the risks of such incidents.
Best Use Of First Aid For Your Pet
If there is an accident, be calm, think first, and then act. Don’t be in a hurry to take any decision. As to take decision with a stressed and unprepared mind can actually build up more anxiety in your pet. Keeping your voice low and talking in a soothing voice, avoiding direct eye contact will be more effective. Moreover, try to approach your pet from the sideways to reduce tension.
Avoid your dog from running off to prevent further injury. If you suspect that there may be a break, your everyday object can be helpful to be used to splint the injury. You can use toilet roll tubes, bubble wrap, and tape to secure it. In case you are out driving, a boot cover may be helpful to be used as a makeshift stretcher.
If you think that your dog might have ingested some poisonous thing, do not force your mouth to snout resuscitation as you may become contaminated yourself.
Has your pet been sick, take a sample of feces or dropping saliva with you to the vet, this will help them to figure out any poison and treat the pet more effectively. This also implies to anything thrown out of their body.
If you find that your dog has burns, it is crucial to cool down the area with cold water for the minimum of 10 minutes. Be careful that you do not bandage the burn, which may get stuck to the wound. In case you need a crate to transport your pet to a vet office, do not use bedding, in place of that use a well-cleaned plastic surface.
Sometimes, in spite of being careful, you may clip down that extra claw and it begins to bleed. In such cases, press down the paw with an absorbent dressing and bandage securely but not too tight as far up the leg as possible to prevent sliding down. In case the bleeding does not stop within a reasonable amount of time, please seek vet’s advice.
If an animal is choking, leave them to it. Do not try to put your hand in their mouth or force them eat something, it is quite dangerous. If you find that they can cough, that indicates that they are still able to breath as animals are good at clearing their airways. You should only intervene, if you find that the animal has stopped choking, coughing and becoming limp or unconscious.
Sometimes bleeding ears can be seen in pets, which can be a grave situation in case the pet is pointing the ears upwards. Try to secure the ear downwards with a bandage until you can seek the help.
These are just a few simple tips that you can make use of it to safeguard your pet from further injury or damage. Taking proper care and providing help during tough situations will greatly reduce the chances of risks to their lives.