Most Common FAQs Pet Parents Ask Regarding Overbite

By | September 28, 2018

Is your dog facing issues like difficulty eating, mouth bruising, gum injuries, bad breath, periodontal problems including gingivitis and tooth decay, or are you finding it difficult in brushing his teeth? These all is caused due to misaligned teeth in your dog. Many pet parents are innocent about this condition that their furry pal may be suffering with.

Luckily, there are ways that help to resolve this condition and help your dog have that shiny smile.

How does an overbite affect a dog?

When the upper jaw is longer than the lower jaw is known as an overbite in dogs. In this condition, a gap between upper and lower incisors occurs. Usually, puppies born with an overbite will sometimes have the problem correct to itself, if the gap is not too large. However, it is only known later as a dog’s bite will set at 10 months.

What does it mean if a dog has an overbite?

Overbite is a type of malocclusion, which occurs when the teeth do not properly fit together when the mouth is closed. Overbite is a Class 2 malocclusion. It occurs when the upper jaw teeth are displaced forward relative to the lower jaw teeth.

What are the common injuries caused due to overbite?

  • Mouth injuries
  • Periodontal disease
  • Wear on the teeth
  • Fractures

Can I get braces for my dog?

Usually, the dental vet may not recommend braces for your dog with overbite condition until and unless it is an utmost necessity. If not required, they would help by showing a few ways that can help overbite dog to lead a proper life without any injury.

At what age should I treat my dog for overbite?

Normally, after check-up, your vet would suggest the best time to undergo surgery for overbite, which may be in case of extreme conditions. Most vets suggest to wait till the adult teeth come after the fall of milk teeth, because normally the condition is restored naturally without any interference from the human side.

Furthermore, in few cases, vets remove misaligned teeth in puppies if they are milk teeth, giving way for the proper growth of adult teeth. In such cases, naturally teeth get aligned.

Any alternative to dental surgery for overbite

In extreme cases, where your dog is facing a lot of problem due to disarranged teeth, vets suggest for surgery. However, it is always the last option after trying processes that can help your dog lead a normal life even with an overbite condition.

In A Nutshell

If your puppy older than four weeks and appears to have an overbite, it is a cause for concern. Take your puppy to a vet for dental check. Your vet will give proper guidelines regarding dental issues caused due overbite. Considering his condition, vet may recommend surgery or some treatment to arrange these misaligned teeth.

Proper advice from your vet and proper care help your dog with overbite lead a healthy life enjoying every morsel of bite he has in his food bowl.