Tag Archives: cat care

Why Collars Are Essential for Indoor Cats: Safety and Benefits

Cats are often wary of new objects, including collars. If you are wondering whether your indoor cat should wear a collar, you are not alone. This is a common question among cat parents. While indoor cats are generally safe inside, there are reasons why a collar might be a wise choice. This blog explores the… Read More »

Effective Ways to Get Rid of Intestinal Worms in Pets

A parasite resides on a host and absorbs its nourishment. Moving forward, parasites inside the gastrointestinal tract of cats and dogs are called intestinal worms. These parasites negatively impact pets’ digestion, cause discomfort, and lead to serious health problems if left untreated. Cats and dogs invite these parasites through intoxicated water, soil, and insect intake.… Read More »

Credelio – A Powerful Parasite Protection for Cats

Welcome to the ultimate guide to feline well-being—where we dive into the world of Credelio for Cats, the frontline defense against fleas and ticks. As devoted pet parents, we understand the profound bond shared with our furry companions and the unwavering commitment to their health and happiness. However, the looming threat of fleas and ticks… Read More »

Why You Should Choose Dorwest for Your Pet’s Joint and Skin Wellness

Joint health and skin conditions are common concerns among pet parents. These issues can cause significant discomfort and harm to our pets, reducing their quality of life. However, these problems can be managed by providing the proper nutrition to your pet from inside and outside. Nutritional supplements and grooming products designed especially for pets can… Read More »

Ways to Help Cats Overcome Separation Anxiety

INTRODUCTION: Cats are lovable, affectionate, and adorable. Across the United States, cats are one of the popular choices as pets. As a matter of fact, nearly 25-30% of US households have felines as their animal companions. These furry companions make a very good family pet and within no time they make you an essential part… Read More »

Nexgard Combo – A New All-In-One Cat Parasiticide Solution

Cat parents understand the joy that these furry four-legged-feline-friends bring to our lives. Because cats are naturally independent, they are often easier to care for when we share our homes with them. As a result, it’s vital for both you and your cat to keep it healthy and parasite-free. Internal or external parasite infection in… Read More »

Heartworms in cats: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Heartworm disease in cats varies greatly from that in dogs. The cat is an uncommon host for heartworms, and the majority of worms in cats do not reach adulthood. This is why there are normally only one to three adult heartworms in cats. Hence, heartworm disease in cats often goes undiagnosed. But it’s important to… Read More »

How To Detect Fleas On Your Cat

Fleas are a very irritating problem that our furry feline friends have to face. Even with the tiny size, fleas are enough potential to bring wreaking havoc into our feline friend’s life. Fleas are active insects that can cause severe itching and inflammation to pets and their owners as well. Fleas feed on blood and… Read More »

5 Most intriguing Facts about Cats

Cats are the cutest, coolest and quirkiest creatures in the world. It feels so good to have your ball of fur sitting on the table while you’re working. W.L George said that ‘Cats know how to obtain food without labor, shelter without confinement and love without penalties.’ This is so true because there’s something about… Read More »

6 Nice Things You Can Do For Your Cat On International Cat Day

International Cat Day came into existence in 2002 for improving the quality of life of the cats around the world. They are venerated as one of the oldest companions of humans and thus regarded as great stress busters. As feline owners, we must take care of their expectations and demands which can improve the quality… Read More »